"Wedding Parté" - a portal for those who are planning a wedding!
Planning a wedding with Wedding Parté is a pleasure! Now you can make your celebration perfect in just two clicks! Is the date coming up? Don't waste time and create a page of your event! Our services are useful for both newlyweds and wedding professionals.
For newlyweds
Create a website for your wedding in the section «Your site» and send the link to the guests
- no one will definitely get lost and most importantly - will not forget anything!
Keep memorable photos and videos of your holiday. And don't forget to show
your website to your grandchildren! &Laquo;Wedding guide»
will help to fully plan all the preparation for the wedding: from the calculator to
sending invitations. In total, more than a dozen of the most necessary
services. And they are all free!
The section «Service list» is created to find the
right people and organizations that are professionally engaged in the preparation
and holding of weddings.
The section «All about the wedding» will help with
ideas, explain complex issues and advise the best ways to prepare and organize
a wedding.
For advertisers
In addition to traditional banner advertising, we offer everyone who organizes and holds weddings to create their own «virtual business card» - advertiser profile - in the section «Service list». It will be a kind of mini-site where you can not only post text information about yourself or your company, but also publish photos, videos and audio clips.
In the section «All about the
wedding» you will surely be interested in the possibility of posting useful
and interesting articles on profile topics. We are ready to offer you the creation
of special projects on the portal aimed at attracting the maximum attention of the
newlyweds at your service!
People who plan a wedding in the age of technology want to make its organization easy
and interesting! And most importantly, they understand that the «aftertaste»
of the holiday and the emotions received during its implementation depend on its preparation.
Online services make wedding preparation of high quality.
Opportunities Wedding Parté are constantly expanding.
Today we cover the readership in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. And who knows, maybe
very soon we will read Wedding Parté in other languages
We hope that with our help you will be able to realize your ideas and ideas, making
your wedding unique and bright!
E-mail: wedding@parte.info